Creator / Writer: Ivan Knežević

Genre: teen horror mystery series

Language: Serbian

Format: 45’ x 6

Firefly, Serbia

When a teenager disappears in the rough blocks of New Belgrade, his twin sister, ignored by the confused parents and the inefficient police, starts a search of her own.

When a teenager disappears in the rough blocks of New Belgrade,his twin sister, ignored by the confused parents and the inefficient police, starts a search of her own. Helped by two friends, she uncovers a supernatural mystery behind the disappearance that reaches decades into the past - all the way to the time New Belgrade was built.

Where are we at?

Development stage: Pilot script, series bible

Estimated production budget for a first season: 1.200.000,00 EUR

Financing in place: none

Production timeline:

Script Development until July 15th, 2020

Pre-production 3 months TBA

Production 3,5 months TBA

Post-production 3 months TBA


Looking for at CineLink Drama: 

International broadcasters.

Project’s presentation

Production Company profile

FIREFLY PRODUCTION was launched in 2018 by Ivana Mikovic in partnership with a group of experienced producers from Serbia In December 2019, the company started construction on Firefly Studios outside Belgrade, housing two 2,000 square metre sound stages and a smaller 800 square metres one, as well as four hectares of the backlot, production offices, water tank, and related facilities. Firefly currently finishes the production of three drama series. Six new event drama series are currently in pre-production and preparation.


Black Delta


The Dissection