Created by the Sarajevo Film Festival and Balkan Documentary Center, Docu Rough Cut Boutique is the leading regional program for documentaries in the editing stage from Southeast Europe and the Caucuses. It is famous for its boutique format, which includes only five selected projects. The programme is organized in three working modules: Sofia (first week of April 2024), Cluj (June 2024) and Sarajevo (August 2024). The workshop programme is based on tailor-made coaching, editing tutorials, group sessions and individual meetings with renowned documentary experts and professionals. This year, we are proudly presenting the selection of our 14th Docu Rough Cut Boutique edition.
HBO Award
CAT&Docs Award
Dok Leipzig Preview award
presentation at the festival
€20,000 in kind
Movies that Matter Award
presentation at the festival
East Silver Caravan Award
The Institute 0f Documentary Film (IDF) | in kind distribution service worth € 3,500
Hanka Kastelicová
Warner Bros. Discovery/HBO
Eugen Kelemen
Catherine LeClef
Marcel Maiga
DOK Leipzig
Margje de Koning
Movies that Matter
Veronika Fidrmuc Dvořáčková
East Silver Caravan Award