Creator / Writer: Dragos Bucur, Sofia Bucur

Genre: teenage, fantasy, family - drama

Language: Romanian

Format: 60’ x 6


A teenager and her father investigate a boy’s disappearance and end up uncovering a religious order, mythical beings and their own family secrets.

The story is set in the present, and unfolds around ILEANA(15) and her coming-of-age story, with a shift in time, 25 and 8 years ago. As a teenager, Ileana’s utmost desire is to find out what really happened with her mother 8 years ago, and to prove to the world and her father that she is not mentally-disordered. Ileana's memories are shadowed by the cruelty of the event and her early age when she witnessed her mother being attacked by something that looked like a creature from another world. The relationship with her father (ILIE), worsened after her mother's death, as he blames himself for not protecting his family, and for rejecting Ileana's fantastic version of the death of her mother. Ileana is under therapy, takes medication, fires with the gun in the woods, can make herself unseen by humans and animals and continually teases her father, in a constant struggle to rebuild their relationship. Ilie is on the verge of alcoholism, injecting himself every night to keep under control a mysterious illness, struggling between the love for his daughter and the inability to get closer to her. Ilie hides secrets that cannot be revealed to anyone. All of that, makes the relationship between Ileana and Ilie difficult to be repaired. The action begins with the mysterious disappearance of ANDREI, a boy from an isolated village in the Danube Delta, surrounded by waterways, channels, reed and marshes, and flooded forests. The disappearance seems identical to the one happened 25 years ago, in the same place, which captures the interest of the private detective Ilie. Arriving in the village along with his daughter, they discover a strange world, hidden from the modern civilization, ruled by ancient rules and principles where unusual superpowers are fiercely trying to make their way, where religion is the supreme judge. A beast like the one who killed Ileana's mother, has just awakened in the world and will not leave until it kills her too. The detective and his daughter can only survive here if they make peace with each other and join their forces, that prove throughout the course to be fueled by the same fantastic energy that feeds the Black Delta. The isolated village seems to be picturing the 18th century and it is run by THE HUNTERS, a religious faction where only men are accepted. Strange details reveal that Ileana possess the powers at the limit of the supernatural and that her father past hides a tragic event, an accident (or maybe a murder) that ended up in SMARANDA (Ileana's mother) strange death. THE HUNTERS follow strict rules, based on the Old Bible and a set of norms, thousands of years old. They decide to start hunting the missing boy, trying to stop the his transformation into a Demi-Zmeu, the descendant of the most dangerous being in Black Delta. Ileana departs through the flooded forests to look for the lost boy, and gradually discovers and develops strong powers and falls in love with a young Hunter, who is also seeking his inner balance and his coming of age. Surrounded and trapped in the blackness, the energy that feeds all that fantastic world, the entire community remains completely isolated from the civilization, the village being divided into two camps, with different goals and agendas. In that clash, Ileana becomes the most important asset in the fight of Humanity with the Black Delta.

Where are we at?

Development stage: Treatment, Project Bible, Scripts for 4 episodes, Mood-board, pilot teaser available.

Estimated production budget for a first season: 3.000.000,00 EUR

Financing in place: 300.000,00 EUR

Production timeline:

Final Script: end of 2020

Pre-production: May-July 2021

Production: September-October 2021


Looking for at CineLink Drama: 

Pre-sales, European broadcasters, Co-producers, Sale agent, Financing.

Project’s presentation

Production Company profile

DIGITAL CUBE is an AVANPOST MEDIA division and Eastern Europe’s most comprehensive financing, production and post-production facility, employing an exceptional team of more than 50 creative artists, sound and video engineers and the best colorists and project managers in the region to serve clients through the film and TV finishing process, since 2010. We offer a complete source for every post requirement, we manage our own equity fund and we have our own development team who is using a mix of public funding and film incentive schemes with in-kind services and private equity to support a variety of mainstream arthouse and elevated genre projects. Company is a project initiated by Dragos Bucur, Dorian Boguta and Alexandru Papadopol, inaugurated in March 2010, that is running on two parallel levels - as a private acting school, having over 300 students and as a cinematographic production company, producing 15 short and medium films and 4 feature movies (LOVE BUILDING, LOVE BUILDING 2, TWO LOTTERY TICKETS and HAWAII).


The Abyss


Block 27