Adi Voicu 

Axel Film, Romania

Capturing something may turn into something capturing you.

SAMI(30) lives in a comfortable captivity, trapped between his girlfriend PIA(33) and his mother, CRISTINE(57).

He is currently keeping a video journal and escapes reality hiding behind the camera.

There are demonstrations in the centre of Bucharest. Sami is fascinated by what he sees in downtown. He films the formation of gendarmes setting in motion. Two gendarmes step out of formation, rush towards the camera, grab him, start hitting him with their batons and force him to delete everything on his camera. He and two other protesters are taken inside the gendarmerie vehicle. A terrifying trip to the police precinct ensues. At the precinct, Sami is asked to plead guilty and, as a result, get a simple warning and be allowed to go home. Sami declines. Isolated between four walls and a metallic revolving door, overwhelmed by fear, he gives in. He changes his statement, takes the blame and goes home.


Director’s Biography: Adi Voicu/ IMDb

Adi Voicu graduated in Visual Arts and Film from the Film University U.N.A.T.C. ‘I.L. Caragiale’, Bucharest, 2005. He was DOP for different short films during the University. He directed the documentaries: FACES (2006), METROBRANDING (2010) and VICTORIA (2010) which were selected in various festivals like Nyon, Jihlava, Leipzig, CPH:DOX. The short film FOG (2017), his debut in fiction as a director, won the Grand Jury Prize in Premiers Plans Anger 2018. His second short, THE LAST TRIP TO THE SEASIDE, premiered in Semaine de la Critique Cannes 2019 and won special mention in Sarajevo IFF.



Producer’s Biography: Marcian Lazar/ IMDb

Marcian Lazar is a producer based in Bucharest with engineering, business and project management background. He started his career as producer with STRADA FILM production company in 2008 where he produced feature fictions and documentaries.
In 2016 Marcian took over AXEL FILM, a film production and equipment rental company in order to produce daring independent projects from new talents from Romania. He is currently producing 2 debut feature fictions and 2 debut documentary features with production support from CNC Romania.


Where are we at?

Estimated production budget: 850.000,00 EUR

Financing in place: 500.000,00 EUR

Production timeline: 

Development: May 2020-June 2021
Pre-production: July-December 2021
Production: February – March 2021
Post-production: May – July  2021
Delivery: August 2021

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Director’s statement

The first synopsis of the script was my police statement. After a few years I wanted to translate into images what I had lived. Transitioning from the certainties I had while witnessing an event to the fear felt when objectively experiencing it constitutes the dramatic arc of the film.
The central theme of the film is reality; the objective and the subjective aspects and how the main character manages to make sense while facing one or the other. The rhythm is progressive, morphing from slow movements to aggressive follow shots with swift cuts. The chaos generated by the motion of the camera-character merges with a fixed camera that follows the characters' unpredictable actions. The tone is realistic and sometimes tragic-comic. SAMI, a young, tall, frail man facing the gendarmes wearing protective gear, black balaclavas and batons, generate an absurd situation, where the threat becomes ridiculous and the tragedy filled with comic touches peaks inside the gendarmerie vehicle.

Producer's statement

I think Adi can deliver a reference film on the delicate subject of protests. The position of a self – proclaimed “neutral” participant as his character pretends to be is heavily challenged, but not in the direction of choosing one side, as a lot of stories do, but questioning one person’s limits facing arbitrary violence in a complex societal environment.
The film’s strengths are: the story which seems to be of current interest, the thrilling suspense, the acting, the scenery, a promising director. The context is built on observing the mechanisms and energies of public protests, and the way an individual is relating to these two entities: the crowd and the authorities arm. There is a huge potential for riots, and further events cannot be predicted, but the complex reasons and geopolitical elements that would ignite them are very present in the present societies. A lot of manipulation can also emerge, and some hidden forces may be trying to divert events favoring their own agenda.

Production Company profile

From 2016 AXEL FILM  started to produce daring projects like the 3D art house MY LIFE REHEARSED IN ONE LEG by Bogdan Mustata and the short fiction FOG by Adi Voicu, winner of Grand Jury prize in Angers. The second short from Adi Voicu THE LAST TRIP TO THE SEASIDE was selected in Semaine de la Critique Cannes 2019. We just finished the first feature film from Monica Stan and George Chiper, IMACULAT, and we have two more feature documentaries and Adi Voicu’s first feature fiction in production.



Blue Banks


To Carnations A Song