Katalin Besenyei

Angel’s Trumpets

The ballad of two sex trafficking survivors setting out on a journey to free one of their sisters and to take revenge on the mafia who held them captive.


ANGEL’S TRUMPETS is a drama series. On the surface, it’s a rape-and-revenge story with exciting twists and turns, but on a deeper level it’s a turbulent ballad about seeking freedom, a folk tale about saving the kidnapped girl, and, last but not least, it’s the story of a friendship between two completely unfit action heroes. ANNA (28) and JÁZMIN (21) were survivors of forced prostitution and they both escaped on their own from an international criminal organization. At the start of the series, they live in a shelter. Jázmin’s rehabilitation is going well, but Anna is struggling with PTSD, which makes life difficult for her and for the other women in the shelter. One day, BERNADETT (50), the detective on their case, brings bad news: Jázmin’s sister, BELLA (15), might have also been sold to work as a prostitute abroad. As they know full well how powerless the police are, the two girls stage their abduction and flee to visit Jázmin ’s father and find out if he has information on Bella. What is supposed to be a short trip soon turns wrong: Jázmin’s ex-loverboy, LACI (26), and his sister, KIRA (21), take them captive. Anna is a chemistry student, and making use of her expertise, Jázmin makes a brew from angel’s trumpets to poison their captors. Laci and Kira start hallucinating and later suffer from amnesia, so escape seems easy, but Laci opens fire, and the girls have no other option but to run him over with his own car. Twice. This is how Bernadett finds them and, keeping her cool, she cleans up the murder scene and hides the girls at an old friend of hers. Now it’s not only the criminal organization that is after the girls: KIRA and her husband, NÁTÓ (35), chase them as they want compensation for Laci’s death, and so does a young, local investigator in charge of Laci’s case. Fortunately, there are also a number of people who help them in their fight. Anna and Jázmin don’t have many opportunities but they make the most of them. Slowly they become stronger and increase their influence among their criminal and police rings: in a nearby pharmaceutical plant Anna cooks amphetamine at night, which they use to concoct a case against Bella’s loverboy, SZOTYI (19), and turn him into a police informant. They manage to get child protection services to take Kira and Nátó’s child away and use the child as leverage. The girls learn about Bernadett’s dark past and use it to force the detective, who’s been helping them, to cooperate even when she’s trying to back out as the plan gets increasingly dangerous. When the head of the criminal organization, PAPI (55), learns that Szotyi has become a police informant, he has him killed and the plan, that the boy would lead the police to the base of the traffickers, goes belly up. Anna and Jázmin come up with a dangerous idea: they will be the bait and set out with Nátó and Kira to meet the criminal organization, with a tracking device on them so that the police can raid their former captors’ place. There is something they don’t expect, though: for Kira and Nátó revenge is more important now than money or anything else. They take the girls to a forest to kill them. They are rescued from certain death by the young detective who is after them for the murder, but under no circumstances is Anna willing to become a prisoner again: with the explosives they meant for the traffickers, they kill the young detective, Kira and Nátó, and, hoping for a future, final revenge, they flee to Serbia. ANGEL’S TRUMPETS is planned as a three-season series with 45-50 min episodes, 8 episodes per season.

Katalin Besenyei

Ildikó Enyedi

Ákos Erdős

Paprika Studios


50' x 8


Katalin Besenyei

KATALIN BESENYEI is a writer and director born in 1992, Romania. After finishing film school at Sapientia University in 2014, she went on to study film and TV directing at UNATC Bucharest. In 2016, she moved to Budapest and has been working in the film industry since. Her thesis film REAL ESTATE (2014) was awarded Best Original Screenplay at CineMAiubit Festival in 2015, and her latest short film MY FATHER’S DOCTOR DOESN’T PRACTICE (2017) was selected in the programme of numerous film festivals. In 2021, she won the HypeWriter pitch forum’s first prize with her series called ANGEL’S TRUMPETS (2023). The series’ pilot episode was directed by Ildikó Enyedi. She's developing her first feature film MY FATHER'S DOCTOR DOESN'T PRACTICE, based on the short film with the same title.

Tens of thousands of people fall victim yearly to human trafficking in the EU, most of them being women from Eastern Europe. The most common form of human trafficking is sexual exploitation. These women are lied to, manipulated, held captive, beaten and raped multiple times a day until their bodies give up and they become useless to their captors. Most of them never get out. For the few who do, there are shelters where they get professional help and where they can feel safe from their slaveholders. Our two protagonists, ANNA and JÁZMIN, flee one of these shelters to hunt down the traffickers and to free Jázmin’s sister, BELLA. But behind all the intriguing action, this story is: The tale of a friendship - where two radically different personalities, forged together by their traumas, always catch each other when falling. A revenge story - an agoraphobic PTSD patient and a dangerously naive girl, thus two completely unfit action heroes embark on a gripping, never-ending, persecutional revenge mission towards freedom. A folktale - the youngest prince, the poor tailor, or in our case, two underdogs march on a dangerous road filled with hurdles towards the dragon’s lair to free the kidnapped princess, and to live a life true to themselves instead of a fate set upon them by their environment. A ballad - a story burdened with dark and cumbersome affairs, where pain, guilt and vengeance make bigger and bigger waves. The two protagonists choose different paths, but the ending of their story - just like the theme of freedom and revenge - is not black and white. While ANGEL’S TRUMPETS aims to reinterpret the rape-and-revenge sub-genre, in an unorthodox way, the series’ narrative style is mainly inspired by traditional Hungarian folk ballads and the great poet, János Arany’s balladry. Adapting the literary genre’s characteristics (which differ from Anglo-Saxon ballads a lot) to film language, this series is meant to be poetic and song-like, while still being an action-packed epic piece. It follows the consequences of a great tragedy; it deals with morality and dark affairs like vengeance and guilt. Balladistic ambiguity (which is a very important characteristic of Hungarian ballads) is shown through the mosaic recounting of the main characters’ pasts in flashbacks. These flashbacks are placed in every episode’s teaser, and are triggered by the real time events, suggesting the forces that formed the characters and brought them to their current situation. This world’s surface is harsh, rough, fallible, and emotional. We perceive the world and its changes as our main characters do. While this world is somewhat abstract and we work with harsh colors, lights and shadows, it is not an artificial world - we would like to preserve the reality of it, without going into the poverty porn genre. Our main characters went through things unimaginable for the average viewer. It is one of our main objectives to humanize them for the audiences, instead of creating cliché action heroes or stereotypical victims - we have to feel close to these women on a personal level. One of our tools to achieve this is the use of light on human skin: a breathing, living, feeling canvas. Another tool is the series’ sound design: using snippets of female vocalizing from our composer’s, Дeva’s (Takács Dorina) electronic music heavily influenced by Hungarian folk songs, we would like to create a feeling of uneasiness, of danger and of female solidarity. The first season’s main setting is the Great Plain: its vastness and openness full of mirages create an abstract image and elevate the danger the girls are in, and at the same time, it represents the possible freedom they are fighting for. In contrast, the Italian settings, which represent the lair of the dragon, are loud and buzzing with people coming in-and-out. Here the danger is immediate and even though the apartments and the strip club are heavily guarded, the real barriers are in the girls’ minds due to heavy manipulation and blackmail. The pilot episode was of great critical success), demanding further episodes, which I think cements our hypothesis that this narratively out-of-the-box and thematically underrepresented story could and would move audiences well beyond our country’s borders.


Ákos Erdos

ÁKOS ERDŐS has been leading Paprika Studios for over 7 years. During this time, the number of productions produced grew exponentially, with the spectrum of operation covering 10 countries in Central Eastern Europe. The company became the leading production house in the region for entertainment and film. As a producer, many successful film series, and high-end Scandinavian drama series are attached to his name.

Production company profile

PAPRIKA STUDIOS, actively working in eight countries, is the leading production company in Central and Eastern Europe and the Baltics. Their focus is on content development and production. Over the past decade they have developed many international formats and created stories that were obtained by a wide range of broadcasters, including more than 20 networks, as well as providing production services for many Western European and Scandinavian clients. Their strength lies in obtaining the greatest production value through competitive processes, while they can team up with the most renowned and talented staff with international experience. This expertise and track record have earned them a well-deserved reputation with broadcasters. Paprika Studios is increasingly involved in the development of series and films in Hungary and abroad. They offer a wide range of content from fan favorite TV series, like TIGER DADDY (2020), the Hungarian adaptations of HIP and THE TEACHER, to international collaborations on heavy crime content, like MURDERESSES to arthouse projects with great festival potential, like ANGEL’S TRUMPETS, directed by Golden Bear winner and Academy Award nominee Ildikó Enyedi.


Where are we at?

3.180.000 €

1.652.000 €

Production timeline





I Love Spain