Nikoloz Bezhanishvili
NIKADOCFILM (Georgia), documentary
The film captures the dissolution of a dream for true believers, who have been left behind by the new direction of their country.
In 2010, pro-Western government of Georgia demolished the monument of Stalin in his home town Gori. Local Communist party sets ultimatum to the government and demands re-erecting the monument of Stalin; otherwise, do not exclude radical measures. The life of these people gets worse, when the government prohibits the use of Soviet symbols. Despite this, party members continue their informal activities. Members are happy with the fact that nothing managed to destroy their unity; However, their big dreams collapse when they face the bleak reality, thus, questioning the achievement of their goal.
Nikoloz Bezhanishvili / IMDb
NIKOLOZ BEZHANISHVILI is a Tbilisi-based freelance filmmaker. He is an author of three short feature films, twenty short documentaries, and one full-length documentary. He has edited five documentaries as well. In 2004, Nikoloz graduated from Georgian State University of Theatre and Film, Department of Film Directing and his diploma short fiction film YESTERDAY, TODAY was screened and awarded by several film festivals. Nikoloz’s first short documentary is about the Russia-Georgia war in 2008. It is based on personal interviews and real-life stories of refugees who fled their homes during the war. In 2011, he made 16 documentary TV series GREEN BALL about environmental issues in his country. Later, in 2015, Nikoloz produced his first full-length documentary BLACK SQUARE about female drug addicts in Georgia, supported by Open Society Institute. The film was shown and awarded at last 15 international film festivals. BLACK SQUARE was a part of the International Documentary Association and American Film Showcase screening series in Los Angeles. Currently, Nikoloz is working on a few documentary projects. In 2015 he attended two-week intensive documentary program the American Film Showcase at the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts (SCA), in Los Angeles. From 2015 Nikoloz is a member of the International Documentary Association (IDA). In 2018, Nikoloz founded the film company NIKADOCFILM.
Director’s statement
We all remember a few things from early childhood. However, whatever you remember, it stays in your mind. I recall an argument between my mother and my grandfather. I was three then and this is the first scene from early childhood that I can reconstruct. My grandfather was angry that mom did not let him name me Soso and my mother strongly insisted that her son should not be named after a monster. As the majority of Gori residents, grandfather was a big fan of Stalin. And Stalin’s youth name was Soso. Then I understood why he wanted to call me Soso, especially that I was born in Gori too. The Soviet Union was dissolved 29 years ago and nine years ago when Stalin’s statue was taken down in his home town, I went there and inquired what the attitude of people in Gori was about the fact. And, I found a story which was a metaphor for communism and everything settled, the childhood scene was repaired.
Where are we at?
Total budget: 185.000,00 EUR
Financing in place: 155.000,00 EUR
Sales agent: none
Territories available: World
Looking for at CineLink?
I would like to present the project to festival programmers, distributors, representatives of public funds and develop distribution strate
Production Company profile
NIKADOC FILM was founded in 2018 by Nikoloz Bezhanishvili and it is focused on producing documentary films. EASTER is the first documentary project.