Amra Mehić

Writer: Melina Alagić  

Relative Pictures, Bosnia and Herzegovina 

Would you trade your freedom for being loved and could a real love really take your freedom?

Viewed from a distance, ANA and KERIM seem to have a perfect home, a perfect world created by two people who love each other, which operates in accordance with clearly set rules. Kerim is the one who sets the rules and limits Ana’s contact to the outside world. By the time she starts rebelling against these rules, the world starts to crumble. With every newly broken rule, Ana is reminded of how it feels to be free and starts craving this more and more. Ana is a housewife, spending her days completing different tasks in her apartment. Her only escape is her daily visits to the local store to shop for groceries and the newspaper Ana regularly reads. She agreed to all of Kerim’s rules. The most difficult one to deal with is the decision not to have children, since Kerim is of the opinion that a child would complicated their perfect world. Ana’s wish to have children turns into a mistake each time she dares to say it out loud, since it triggers Kerim’s anger. Every time she breaks one of the rules, Ana gets punished. Still, the punishments are never physically abusive. Breaking the rules starts with Ana’s secret stash of coins she keeps. Ana uses the hidden money to buy forbidden items such as makeup. Apart from that, Ana starts making a few unintentional mistakes, but the punishment becomes more rigorous each time she is caught. The most hurtful part is that Kerim refuses to be intimate with her since, in his opinion, some mistakes are bigger than others, and the same also goes for consequences. Ana’s real rebellion starts after she realizes that she was inequitably punished. Ana’s life is thus narrowed down to two questions: Is this really violence and is it possible to report it to somebody who would protect her? The response she gets is that the relationship she is living in is indeed violent, however there is no institution that could protect a person from such a form of violence, meaning that Ana must to find a way out all by herself.


Director’s biography: Amra Mehić / IMDb

Amra Mehić was born in Sarajevo in 1984. She graduated from the Directing Department at the Sarajevo Academy of Performing Arts in 2009. She worked in different departments in film production. Her short film THE RUIN was screened at numerous film festival and has won Best Short Film Award at Dukafest 2009. She is one of the founders of the production company Relative Pictures.


Producer’s biography: Zijad Mehić/ IMDb

Zijad Mehić is a Bosnian Editor and Producer. He holds a degree in Editing from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. Over the course of his 40-year long career he has edited, produced and directed numerous award-winning TV and feature films, shorts, TV shows, TV and radio commercials and music videos. He has worked with some of the most prestigious broadcasting stations in the region and internationally, such as TV Sarajevo, ARD German TV, FTV and BHT1. General Manager and Producer of the independent production company REFRESH PRODUCTION Sarajevo, producing significant feature and documentary films, documentary and entertainment TV series, numerous promotional stories, TV and radio spots. Mehić was one of the founding members of the Multimedia Directing Department at the Academy of Performing Arts in Sarajevo, where he has been teaching since 1989. and was Dean from 2005 – 2013. He is also a visiting professor at the University of Banjaluka and AAB University Prishtina. From 2016 – 2018. He was on the position of Vice Rector for Arts, Culture and Sports at University of Sarajevo. Zijad Mehić is a recipient of many national and international awards. He is a member of Association of Filmmakers of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Where are we at?

Estimated production budget: 472.853,00 EUR 

Financing in place: N/A

Production timeline: 

Development: August 2020 - June 2020

Pre-production: March - May 2021

Production: May - Jun 2021

Post-production: Jun - July 2021

Delivery: August 2021

Looking for at CineLink?


Director’s statement

This is a story about love, but also about violence. Violence against women is considered a consequence of a tradition according to which women are owned by men. Psychological abuse is hard to prove, cannot be taken to court, and yet their effects on victim are as damaging as physical violence. This kind of abuse is rarely spoken of, it becomes a topic of discussion only after it had a fatal outcome. As a woman and a director I feel provoked to open this subject and speak about it. This is a psychological drama. A film of long silences and wordless shots that are to portray the loneliness and helplessness of the main character. Camera movements should be smooth, carefully arranged into a narrative and for the purpose of visual impact. Atmospheric shots dominated by darkness show the witnesses just how little they can really see. Poetic and atmospheric shots are to illustrate this dreaminess and distance from reality.

Producer's statement

As a producer, I am sure that this kind of warm human story with a problem that can happen anywhere in the world today will come across many interests of co-producers and as a completed film it will find its place throughout regional and international festivals. It is a debut feature film, written and directed by women. Film has an average budget, which I believe we will be able to complete within the planned time frame. The project is currently in the phase of script development. We hope that the project will find its place at CineLink Market and that we will have the opportunity, together with mentors and co-producers, to come up with a final version of the script with which we will apply the project to Sarajevo Film Fund and hopefully HAVC. We hope that by May 2021 we will have the financial resources to carry out the project, and that by that time we will start intensive preparation for shooting. By the end of 2021 we will have a film completed.

Production Company profile

RELATIVE PICTURES  has existed since 2011. Main goal is the development of film art in B&H through working with young authors of the new generation. We produced five short films and one feature film.


Email: relative.pics@gmail.com


Supporting Role


Guest project: Nezouh