Melisa Önel

Writer: Feride Çiçekoğlu, Melisa Önel

Vigo Film, Turkey

Reyhan (40), who has lost her sense of smell, decides to change her life into something new. She vanishes without notice; then leaves her body behind. She becomes invisible to find her true self again.

Following her father’s death, REYHAN returns to İstanbul with her husband. After decades of living in Hamburg, she realizes that the city she encounters is not the city she has left and her relationship with her only family; her mother, sister, and her husband don’t root her. She first realizes that she has lost her sense of smell. Her body is failing her and to establish new bonds with life, she decides to leave it all behind. Early in the morning, she vanishes into the streets… secretly moves into her late grandmother’s flat and gets a random job at a hotel. Then she meets a blind man who is in charge of an education program for blind children in the neighboring building. Unseen, she starts following him, as if wanting to fathom the boundaries of her presence and to remember a sense of desire that she has long forgotten. Reyhan’s new life away from all strings of family brings her a sense of freedom and she ventures into her past, where she felt the strongest scents. This takes her back to her childhood neighborhood and to the unresolved memories with a woman named LEMAN.
Just as assuming a new life seems plausible, she is confronted with the police looking for her at the hotel. She hastily walks away. In an undercrossing, she is dumbfounded when she sees a missing person’s flyer of herself over the walls. Just then suddenly her hands, her legs start to disappear… Her search to find her whole self again has lead her to invisibility and invisibility becomes a chance for her to be a flaneuse and explore the city for hidden memories, places, desires… and perhaps to be finally free.


Director’s biography: Melisa Önel/ IMDb

Filmmaker and photographer.  After studying International Relations at Tufts University, Melisa Önel continued her Masters degree in Film Studies at Istanbul Bilgi University. Her photography work has been shown in many international exhibitions. She has collaborated in theater, making video installations, lately in THE HOUSE OF HUNDRED featured at Maxim Gorki Theatre, Berlin. She has been writing and directing shorts, feature films and documentaries since 2007, including her debut SEABURNERS (Berlinale, 2014)


Producer’s photo: Alara Hamamcıoğlu / IMDb

Graduated from Boğaziçi University where she majored in Sociology and minored in Film Studies. Alara worked in the production of various TV series and features within Netflix and Ay Yapım. Alara produced AYLIN (dir: Ozan Yoleri, PALM SPRINGS (2019) and BLACK SUN (dir: Arda Çiltepe, Locarno 2019). BLACK SUN received Pardino d’oro- SRG SSR Award (best international short film award) in international short film section at Locarno Film Festival and competed in Sarajevo. Her first feature film that she is producing named ANATOLIAN PANTHER was in Cinelink Market in 2019.

Where are we at?

Estimated production budget: 603.104,00 EUR 

Financing in place: 264.538,00 EUR

Production timeline: 

Development: November 2018-December 2020

Pre-production: January 2021-April 2021

Shooting: May-June 2021 or September-October 2021

Post-production: June-December2021

Looking for at CineLink?

Co-production possibilities

Pre-sales and distributors from Europe

Director’s statement

SUDDENLY  is an atmospheric film that aims at luring the senses of its viewers to explore what it feels like to be a character who has lost the sense of smell and is losing visibility.

We follow our character’s curiosity that has never been tapped into, like a feared dark side, which leads her further away from the roles she is expected to fulfil; mother, daughter, wife. Feride Çiçekoğlu and I came together for the 3rd time in writing a script.  We feel strongly about our character becoming invisible as both a form of transgression and a way to question agency and womanhood. As we worked on the script we tackled issues of what is considered to be ‘permissible’ in terms of female desire,  where the private and the public space and self begins and ends… what it means to be a woman, to be selfish, to desire and walk in the streets. Being invisible, a voyeur and flaneuse, does it give a chance to redefine our character; Reyhan… does it give a chance for freedom? We hope to question.

Producer's statement

I know Melisa for her debut SEABURNERS which had quite a successful start in the international arena that we hope continues with her new film, SUDDENLY.  After she wrote SEABURNERS with Feride Çiçekoğlu, they have been working together for her second feature film as well. We had a chance to develop our script in Torino Film Lab Script Lab in 2019. 

With this film, Melisa, Feride and I, as women from different generations, are seeking the ways to deal with femininity, what it means to be seen, and to basically exist as a women. A woman who wanders around the streets and who switches her position from “gazed" to "gazing" excited us.  I believe this film represents the point of view of  three different generations of creative women in the movie industry, how we deal with femininity, the gaze and the way female desire is depicted in Turkish cinema. And this really excites me.

We are designing an international co-production for SUDDENLY. We have secured the production money from the Turkish Ministry of Culture. We participated Meetings on the Bridge and we received VFX Award there in April. Right now, we are in talk with Italian and Serbian producers for applying to their minority co-production funds in September. We are looking for majority co-productions from Germany and France and other possibilities. Our main character is a Turkish-German woman so we believe an international cast gives us opportunities for co-productions.

We are planning to shoot the film in spring or fall 2021 in Istanbul.

Production Company profile

VIGO FILM is a film production company based in Istanbul.
It develops, produces and co-produces arthouse feature films, documentaries and shorts for cinema.
Looking for projects with distinct and daring directorial style by new and established directors, Vigo Film aims to make way for new voices of filmmaking.
Vigo films offers a wide range services including shooting of commercials and corporate videos, consulting, production servicing for foreign productions and execution or supervision of different post-production processes.





Supporting Role